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Is There A Positive Spread When Borrowing From A Policy? Thumbnail

Is There A Positive Spread When Borrowing From A Policy?

Jason and Kyle answer a recent listener question regarding arbitrage in whole life policies.

Top discussion points:

  • Understanding the IBC process is more important than numbers on an illustration.
  • There are currently no positive spreads, but spreads aren't necessary for whole life and the IBC to still make sense.
  • Don't let analysis paralysis delay you from getting started implementing the IBC.

Blog link for chart mentioned: https://cashvaluesolutions.com/blog/i-dont-like-the-idea-of-paying-interest-when-i-use-my-infinite-banking-concept-policy

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Visit our website: www.cashvaluesolutions.com

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Follow Kyle on Twitter: @KyleMans

Connect with Jason on LinkedIn: Jason Pohlmeier

Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoogEEuTFvE4aWk7vB8dDFA

Submit questions to: kyle@cashvaluesolutions.com or jason@cashvaluesolutions.com

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