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"Where Do I Find the Money to Get Started?" Thumbnail

"Where Do I Find the Money to Get Started?"

Jason and Kyle answer the very popular “Where can I fund money to get started?” question.

Top points discussed:

  • Not everyone is able to start IBC right away.
  • Discipline is a must to be successful.
  • Don't "overpay" on debt.

For more information:

Visit our website: www.cashvaluesolutions.com

Schedule an IBC Discovery Call: https://calendly.com/cvsol

Like our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Cash-Value-Solutions-106402764460189

Follow Kyle on Twitter: @KyleMans

Connect with Jason on LinkedIn: Jason Pohlmeier

Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoogEEuTFvE4aWk7vB8dDFA

Submit questions to: kyle@cashvaluesolutions.com or jason@cashvaluesolutions.com

Get Becoming Your Own Banker: https://infinitebanking.org/product/becoming-your-own-banker/ref/44/

Get Farming Without the Bank: https://bs352.isrefer.com/go/wtb/kmans/